Coastal Carolina
Family Practice
Premier Medical Associates FollowMyHealth - Proxy Access
Proxy allows users the full functionality of Coastal Carolina Family Practice FollowMyHealth to manage the health care of a dependent individual. In compliance with HIPAA laws and legal privacy, proxy access is available in three categories – minor proxy (newborn through 12 years), dependent adult proxy (18 years and up) and self-assigned patient proxy. Once access is established, proxy users will be able to utilize the same great Coastal Carolina Family Practice FollowMyHealth features available from their personal accounts.
Request appointments
Renew prescriptions
View lab results
Review medical record
Make payments (Coming Soon)
To access a proxy record from a CCFP FollowMyHealth account, navigate to the user's name at the top of the screen and mouse over the drop down area. Then select the proxy patient's name to view to their account.
How do I sign up for:
Minor Proxy
Through the Premier Medical Associates FollowMyHealth patient portal, parents and legal guardians of patients 12 years old and younger can view the online medical records of their children, as well as perform tasks such as making appointments, checking immunization records and obtaining test results.
To set up a minor proxy account just visit our office and complete the Minor Proxy Access Request Form and return it to the receptionist.
Adult Proxy
Through the Coastal Carolina Family Practice FollowMyHealth patient portal, legal guardians and caregivers with power of attorney can view the online medical records of adult individuals in their care, and perform tasks such as making appointments, communicating with physicians and medical staff and refilling prescriptions.
There are two ways to grant adult proxy access: dependent adult registration, and self-assigned adult registration. Please visit our office and speak to the receptionist.